5 Steps to Discover Your Purpose
You are certainly not alone if you often wake each morning feeling purposeless. Even on the best days, we can feel lost or uncertain about our place in the world and what makes us truly happy. However, as a Christian, it's important to understand that true purpose comes from God. It is not dependent on external things like a job or your relationship with others—these are just ways to use the unique gifts He has given us. Take some time to be still before Him and ask Him for wisdom, strength, and direction during this time of uncertainty. You are called to live a life of purpose, but what does that mean, exactly? And how do you discover what your specific purpose is?
In this blog post, we'll explore these questions and provide 5 steps for discovering who God called you to be.
What is a Life of Purpose?
When I talk about living a life of purpose, I am talking about living in a way that brings glory to God and advances His Kingdom. In other words, it's not about you or me or what we want to do; it's about Jesus and what He has called us to do. As a believer, you are called to be the earth's salt and the world's light (Matthew 5:13-16). You are called to love your neighbors as yourself (Matthew 22:39) and to proclaim the good news of the Gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15).
In short, your purpose as a Christian is to glorify God in all you do and make His name known throughout the earth. And when you do that, lives are changed for eternity. But some of you may wonder, “What is the glory of God?” The expression "the glory of God" refers to observing some aspect of God that is otherwise invisible. The "glory of God" could arise when, for instance, in the Old Testament, God would disclose Himself to the Israelites in clouds or flames (Exodus 24:15-18). "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory," the angels shout in Isaiah 6:3. You may expect the passage to say that God's righteousness or holiness permeates all of creation, but “glory” is what the Scripture uses to describe when one of God's characteristics, in this case, His righteousness or holiness, becomes apparent.
5 Steps to Discover Your Purpose
Now that you know what it means to live a life of purpose, you might wonder how to discover your purpose. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, the good news is, no matter what season of life you are in, these 5 steps will provide the guidance and clarity that you need to help you move closer to discovering your God-given purpose.
First, pray and ask God to reveal His plan for your life. Ask Him to show you where your gifts and talents intersect with the world's needs. James 1:5 says,
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (NKJV)
As you follow your God-given mission, say precise, practical prayers for guidance and focus. Pray and ask for the things you need to move forward. To find meaning and purpose, be steadfast in seeking God's will. Flourishing in this world requires you to tap on heavenly doors to unlock the ones waiting for you. You can successfully discover and fulfill your mission to transform your life. You can also positively impact the lives of the many people God has called you to serve, but this can only be accomplished by being purposeful and persistent in your prayer life, actions, and relationship with God. Ask the Source of Wisdom for guidance as you set out to discover who you are in this season of your life.
Reflect On Your Experiences
"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." ~Proverbs 27:19
Take some time to reflect on your experiences—good and bad. Through reflecting, you can keep your spiritual priorities at the top of your mind. It is significantly easier for you to live in divine purpose if you take the time to reflect consistently on what God is accomplishing and has accomplished in your life. You might search for God through reflection on your own life and the lives of the people around you, such as your family and friends, congregations, and the broader community. I firmly believe that we should incorporate introspection into our daily routines. We can live fuller lives by reflecting on who we are, who God is developing us to be, and how He operates within and around us.
Ask these questions as you reflect on your life and the experiences that make you who you are:
What has God taught me through my trials and triumphs?
What has He been speaking to my heart about lately?
What have I done with what He has given me?
The answer to these questions can give clues about where He is leading you and thus help you discover your purpose.
Talk with People and Embrace Optimism
Your family members, close friends, mentors, and colleagues know you well. Ask them for their insights into your strengths and weaknesses. What do they see as your greatest gifts? Also, ask them if they know of any opportunities for you to use your skills to serve others.
In addition to talking to those who know you very well, spending time with people who embrace optimism is also important. Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) says,
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Spending time with individuals with a positive attitude and a sense of purpose will encourage you to discover your purpose. Ask yourself who you want to spend your free time with, looking beyond your coworkers and relatives. Examine those connections to ensure you are surrounded by upbeat, optimistic people who encourage you to live up to your fullest potential.
Learn From New People
While waiting for a friend at a café or standing in a long line at the grocery store, it is easy to explore social networking sites. Defy the urge. Instead, spend some time conversing with those around you. Find out what they enjoy doing for leisure or if they are concentrating on any initiatives. Ask them about any charities they are members of or if they have a favorite cause they prefer to contribute to. While chatting with individuals outside of your acquaintances may feel unpleasant at first, doing so can make you more aware of causes or employment opportunities that you were previously unaware of. You could come upon fresh ideas to do or new locations to visit. And those things may be crucial in assisting you in discovering your purpose.
Consider the Injustices Around You
Is there anything that irritates you so much that it makes you genuinely uncomfortable to think about? Many individuals have passionate interests or favorite issues related to global injustices. Examples are animal rights, a specific civil rights concern, organizations fighting obesity in children, or the homeless epidemic. There are charities out there that require your support. For example, if the thought of older adults going to spend Christmas alone makes you tear up or believe that drug users need more possibilities for recovery, these are areas you can explore. You do not have to devote every hour of your day to a cause dear to your heart. You might discover that you can work it into your schedule or provide support without breaking the bank or giving up other activities you enjoy. You might even discover that you can provide time rather than cash to a mission you believe in.
You can discover your God-given purpose. It starts with praying and learning to abide in Jesus. When your life is centered on Him and advancing His Kingdom, you can be confident that you are living out God’s purpose for you. But discovering that purpose doesn't happen overnight; it's a process of prayerful reflection and trial and error.
Also, remember your purpose may look different at various stages of life. God's plan for you remains the same, but He may call you to take on different roles or focus on a new area of His mission. It can be easy to compare yourself to others and push yourself too hard when growing into something new. That's why you need to be patient and gentle with yourself. Self-forgiveness and grace provide a healthy foundation from which you can embrace this season of your journey, knowing that God has already planned something beautiful through your life!
So don't be discouraged if you don't have everything figured out yet! These 5 steps should get you on your way to discovering and living out your God Given Purpose.
Your Sis in Christ,