Trusting in Uncertainty: When God Calls You to Move from Your Security into the Unknown

Life is full of uncertainties, and getting caught up in the fear of the unknown is easy. But what if I told you there was a way to move forward even when everything seems uncertain confidently? What if I told you that trusting in God could give you the strength and courage to step out of your comfort zone and into the exciting unknown? In this blog post, I explore how trusting in God can transform your life, provide examples from biblical figures who trusted His plan, and share my experience of stepping out in faith. So buckle up and embrace uncertainty because I will show you why trusting God is always worth it!

What does it mean to trust in God?

Trusting in God means having faith and confidence that He will guide us through any situation, even when we don't understand what is happening. It involves letting go of our fears and worries, knowing God has a plan for our lives.

Trusting in God also means surrendering control and acknowledging His sovereignty. We must accept that we are not in charge of the outcome but that it is up to God's perfect will.

Trusting in God requires patience as well. Sometimes we may want immediate answers or solutions to our problems, but trusting in Him means waiting on His timing instead of trying to force our own.

Furthermore, trusting in God involves obedience. We must be willing to follow where He leads us, even if it takes us out of our comfort zones or into unknown territory.

Ultimately, trusting in God means believing He loves us deeply and wants what is best for us. It allows us to find peace and rest amidst life's uncertainties knowing that we have a loving Heavenly Father who holds everything together by His power and grace.

Why is it difficult to trust in God?

Trusting in God is not an easy task, especially in uncertain times. We naturally seek stability and security, making it difficult to let go of control and trust that everything will work according to God's plan.

One reason trusting in God can be challenging is our fear of the unknown. We often feel more comfortable with what we know rather than stepping into unfamiliar territory. Fear can also stem from past experiences where things didn't seem to go as planned or when we were hurt by someone we trusted.

Another factor that makes it hard to trust God is our desire for instant gratification. We want results quickly and on our terms instead of waiting patiently for His perfect timing. In this age of instant access, waiting for something that may not happen until later can be tough.

Pride can play a role in why relying on faith and putting our trust entirely in God is difficult. Our ego wants us to believe we can handle everything without needing anyone else's help - including God's guidance.

Overcoming these obstacles requires intentional effort towards building a deeper relationship with Him through prayer, reading scripture regularly, and seeking counsel from wise mentors or church leaders while acknowledging that true peace comes only when one trusts wholeheartedly in Him.

How can we learn to trust in God?

Trusting in God is not always easy, especially when faced with uncertainties. However, it's important to remember that trusting in God means surrendering control and putting our faith in Him. Here are some ways we can learn to trust in God:

Firstly, prayer is key. Prayer allows us to communicate with God and express our worries and fears. By praying regularly, we can build a stronger relationship with Him and learn to lean on His guidance.

Secondly, reading the Bible is essential for learning about God's character and promises. The more we understand who He is and what He has done for us, the easier it becomes to trust Him.

Thirdly, surrounding ourselves with a supportive community of believers can help strengthen our faith. Being part of a church or small group provides accountability, encouragement, and growth opportunities.

Stepping out of our comfort zones by taking risks or facing challenges may be scary. Still, it's also an opportunity for growth and discovering more about ourselves through relying on God’s grace.

Overall, it takes time and practice, but using these practices regularly, prayer, bible reading, supportive communities, and taking risks will assist you in having greater trust over uncertainty, giving a sense of peace and purpose in your life!

How to Discern God’s Calling to Move

It can be challenging to discern whether or not God is calling us to leave our comfortable and secure lives for something unknown. However, some signs may indicate a call from God.

  1. Firstly, if you have a persistent feeling of restlessness or unease in your current situation, it could be a sign that God is urging you toward something new. This sense of discomfort may come from within yourself or through external circumstances.

  2. Secondly, prayer can clarify the direction God wants you to take. Spending time in silence and asking for guidance can give insight into what steps should be taken next.

  3. Thirdly, seeking counsel from trusted friends and spiritual mentors can help clarify any confusion about what actions need to be taken. They may offer valuable advice and perspective on your situation from an outside point of view.

  4. Fourthly, paying attention to unexpected opportunities can also indicate a call from God. These doors opening up may seem scary at first, but taking the leap of faith could lead to incredible growth and blessings in one's life.

  5. Finally, listening closely to one's inner voice while being open-minded about unexpected opportunities could reveal if it’s time for a change directed by divine intervention.

Ultimately, by staying in tune with our spirituality and the world around us, we can discern whether God calls us into the unknown.

People Who Trusted God's Plan for Them

Abraham, Joseph, Ruth, and Esther are all examples of people who trusted God's plan for their lives. Abraham was called to leave his homeland and journey to a new land God promised him. Despite the uncertainty of this move, Abraham obediently followed God's call.

Joseph faced many trials throughout his life but continued to trust in God's plan for him. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers but eventually became second-in-command in Egypt under Pharaoh due to his ability to interpret dreams.

Ruth demonstrated her faith in God by leaving her family and homeland behind when she chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi after being widowed. Through this decision, she discovered Boaz, who later married her and helped bring redemption for Ruth and Naomi.

Esther risked her life by approaching the King on behalf of the Jewish people despite knowing the consequences could be dire if he did not grant their request. She trusted that God would provide a way out no matter what happened.

All four individuals show us that trusting in God means believing His plans are greater than our understanding. It means placing our faith fully in Him even when we don't know how things will turn out or what may happen next.

I Walked Away

After 23 years of teaching, I felt like something was missing. I loved my job and the students, but I knew there was more to life than this. That's when I started feeling God nudging me toward something else.

At first, I resisted the idea because teaching had been my security blanket for so long. But as time passed by, the longing in my heart grew stronger. It wasn't until a series of events finally pushed me to leap of faith.

Leaving behind everything familiar was scary and daunting. But as soon as I let go and surrendered control over God's plan for me, peace washed over me like never before.

Walking into the unknown is not easy or comfortable. There will be challenges and obstacles that will test my resolve to stay on this path.

What I am leaving behind seems safe and comfortable, but I know and trust the God of the unknown.

The decision to leave may be difficult, but trusting God with my life is always worth it!

Moving Forward in Faith

Trusting in uncertainty is not an easy task, but it's necessary if we want to follow God's plan for our lives. We must learn to trust Him, even when things don't make sense, and the path ahead seems unclear. We can find the courage to step out in faith through prayer, meditating on His word, and seeking wise counsel from others who have walked a similar path.

Remember that we are not alone on this journey. Many people throughout history have trusted God's plan for their lives - Abraham left his home at the age of 75 without knowing where he was going; Joseph endured years of hardship before becoming second-in-command over all of Egypt; Ruth left her homeland to care for her mother-in-law, Naomi; Esther risked her life by approaching King Xerxes uninvited to plead for the safety of her people, and I left my career to walk into God's new purpose for me.

Even though leaving behind a secure career or taking a leap into something new may feel daunting, know that you can do it with God's guidance and support. Sometimes moving out of your comfort zone is exactly what you need to grow as an individual and deepen your relationship with God.

So take heart and move forward in faith! Trusting God will always lead you down paths filled with hope and blessings beyond measure.

Live with purpose today.

Your Sis in Christ,


If this article was a blessing to you, feel free to post a comment. I would love to hear from you.

Brenda Mouzon - Her God Given Purpose

Brenda is the author of The Gift of Purpose and co-author of Walking in Gratitude: 31-Day Devotional and Journal. Brenda is the creator of Her God Given Purpose Blog: a platform where women can find inspiration to discover, embrace, and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.


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